Between the dogs begging me for walks and my children needing to be shuttled from one place to the next, I couldn’t develop the sources I needed as a freelance writer. When I found HARO, it changed the way I do business.

I no longer tap my friends, neighbors and family members (and their friends and neighbors) to serve as anecdotal sources. I don’t spend hours hoping a doctor, professor or other expert will speak to me on the record. HARO gives me the ability to easily track down the most knowledgeable sources who can produce top-notch soundbites, the lifeblood of a freelancer.

HARO provides a wonderful and unique type of matchmaking of writers and sources. It eliminates the need to have blind dates, what I call surfing the Web in hopes of finding a quality source. HARO has helped triple my productivity and quadruple the number of entries in my address book!

My HARO sources have appeared in articles featured in Better Homes and GardensEssence,, and I also used HARO for an article that appeared on the cover of Family Circle.

– Gina Roberts-Grey